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RENE FURTERER Forticea Energizing Hair Lotion 100ml

RM 189.90
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Quick and easy to use, it is the ultimate kick start product. In just a few seconds, it provides vitality and fresh, pure sensations for a scalp that is instantly invigorated. Hair is brimming with energy, fortified from the root and easy to style.

包覆著天然柑橘、薰衣草及迷迭香的精油包覆球體外,這次更結合了最強而有力的植萃能量活性成分 GUARANA 種子,打造新一代FORTICEA複方精油養護髮浴,從頭皮清潔開始,為頭皮頭髮提供每日必需的營養物質和能量生成元素,使髮絲更強韌、茂盛有活力。每日頭皮平衡補給,易吸收不黏膩。

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